Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Kangaroo

Talk about your bittersweet weekend! Today I said goodbye to Jay Winslow and Mark Bertrand--"Team B" faculty members extraordinaire--and then boarded a plane (with fellow teacher Brandon Booth) to New Hampshire. Tonight we will be joined by Randy Sims (pictured) and Bill Jack for our final camp of the summer. Randy would have a fit if he knew that his famous "kangaroo impersonation" was on the internet, but that's the beauty of technological illiteracy. Ignorance is bliss!

The truth is, Randy's impersonation is dead-on. He scratches his nose with his "paws" and makes a strange honking noise that somehow convinces you you're looking at a kangaroo. It boils down to a straight trade: Randy won't discuss Flannery O'Connor with me like Mark does, but Mark can't impersonate a kangaroo. Bill won't get as emotional as Jay does about reading, but Jay can't breathe fire like Bill. (Nobody can breathe fire like Bill.) And I'm further consoled about the loss of Jay and Mark because there are rumors that their wives are planning a family trip to the Promised Land (Canon City) in the fall. Once they visit, they'll never want to leave.


J. Mark Bertrand said...

If I had realized during all those late-night conversations that you were secretly holding my lack of a convincing kangaroo impersonation against me, I would have worked something up. Perhaps not a marsupial impression, but something. I guess that gives me a goal for next year!

Jeff Baldwin said...

It's not just the kangaroo impersonation, Mark. You also never call me "Coach" or tell rambling stories about bodily functions. But don't worry: you won't need to do any of those things unless Randy learns to discuss Flannery O'Connor.