Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ignoramuses Can Podcast, Too

Hurray! I never would have believed that technology would get this easy to use, but (with a lot of help from Brandon Booth, who really is a techie genius), I've been able to create a Podcast for Worldview Academy. So far we've produced three "shows," each in an interview format. The first is a discussion I had with former staffer Jeremy Mollenkopf about the Christian approach to education; the second is more like a fight I had with Bill Jack about creation/evolution and Intelligent Design, and the third is a discussion with director of the Christian Institute for Legal Studies Mike Schutt about how much the Christian worldview influenced America's founding. Look for Bill and I to team up and "co-host" weekly shows in the very near future!


J. Mark Bertrand said...

I guess you're working your way through all the softball guests so you can steel yourself for the big league faculty interviews -- with me, for example. How do you like all this baseball talk, by the way? I'm trying to work it into my everyday speech so I can fit in better.

Jacob said...

We're waiting for more crazy talk. Tell us again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.

Anonymous said...

Hey looks like your blog disappeared! Hope you and the family and WVA staff are doing great!

hill said...

Jeff, I attended a WVA summer event in Flagstaff three or four years ago. What an incredible experience. You guys opened my eyes. Recently our church has embraced some postmodern philosophy. It shocked us and the first place I turned was to you guys. I did a google search and found the very podcast page you mentioned in your blog. I listened to the first one and that helped me frame part of my statement to the pastor. I am waiting for his reply; he has promised to give me one. I have since gone to itunes and downloaded all of your podcasts. Thanks for all you guys do. You rock!