Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Generation After the Generation After the "Greatest Generation"

Okay, so my generation is not the "Greatest Generation," at least in the eyes of Tom Brokaw. But I got to thinking about it, and there are a few things I'd like my generation to be known for. In no particular order:

The generation who recognized that defense matters in baseball. How can anyone even THINK about giving the MVP award to a bungler/loafer like Barry Bonds or Manny Ramirez? I bet there are plenty of pitchers who gag on their Cheerios when they hear who won the MVP.

The generation who ignored Star Wars. Admittedly, this is nigh-unto impossible. But did anyone even bother to read over the script for any of the last three movies? The scripts might as well have been written by Chewbacca on diazepam.

The generation who rode their bikes. There's no doubt that I'm quickly transmogrifying into a Granola, but I'm crazy about using my mountain bike as my primary means of transportation. With gas zooming toward $3 a gallon, it gets more appealing every day. And besides, you can't really live in the suburbs and use a bike as your primary means of transportation, so this would kill the suburbs. Who would be against that?

The generation who laughed at Kafka. Because he takes himself way too seriously.

The generation who set their televisions on fire, after dumping them out a fourth-story window into a vat of lard. You know why.

The generation who loved sports but never lost perspective. So Vince Carter only made as much money as he deserves, and so no parent ever tried to live out his sports fantasies through his children.

The generation who really appreciated Oliver Goldsmith. I know, I'm dreaming big here. But isn't it just possible that Goldsmith has been duping us all along? That he's been playing the fool while laughing up his sleeve about his audience? I still can't shake the feeling that The Vicar of Wakefield is a mirror that Goldsmith holds up to our dark hearts.

The generation who built beautiful churches. I know, there was already a generation or two like this. But that was a long time ago, wasn't it?

The generation who stopped worshipping science. This may come as a shock, but your doctor can't save you. The best he can do is let you live a few more years--and even then, that's only if God wants you to. It's always helpful to remember that, when your great-grandfather was suffering, he usually just toughed it out.

The generation who grew a vegetable garden. Not because I like vegetables. Just because I like miracles.

And finally . . .

The generation who stopped listening to Tom Brokaw. Who the heck is he to crown the greatest generation, anyway?

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